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A little fat kid taking a shit.

"There's a hogie in the pool!"

by drew July 18, 2004

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word used to gain attention from someone by calling them a fatsquatch.

you. person. dude. hey you. you there. buddy.

hey fatsquatch, what are you doing?

by drew September 13, 2004

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

stolen coats

An exclaimation that something good has happened or is about to happen.

Synonym: Awesome, amazing...

That party was off the fucking hinges like stolen coats yo!

That DVD was stolen coats man.

by drew October 22, 2004

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Short for whodie.
Means dude, bro, man.

Sup whodes?
Yo whodes, make me a sandwich.

by drew February 17, 2004

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Acronym for "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas"

I'd love to tell you more, but whivsiv, baby!

by drew March 30, 2005

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when you put yur finger straight up yur bunghole and then you put it right next to someones eye, then you call their name. when they turn around to see who it is they get your shitty finger right in their eye

" when Dean Lekas turned around to see who called his name i gave him a poopypupil

by drew February 8, 2004

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


More powerful form of shwing

.... and then ther's Carmen Electra" "Shpah!"-Powerful thrusting motion-

by drew March 18, 2004

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