a very very very very very very very awesome and swag baller movie that is very awesome and swag greatest cinematic master movie i have ever laid my eyes on pls wat h rn truly so wonderful and wonderful and can watch on myflixer.to so please i beg of you pretty pretty pretty please give a look for wonderful awesome swag movie please
person 1: whoa did you see that awesome swag ballering movie yet?!
person 2: what movie talking about silly?!2
person 1: the great awesome virus shark movie ohmygoodness please give a watch rn
delicious scrumptious yumy delicious yumy
person 1: yo did you see that
person 2: yes! that handbrrger lookin so handbrrrger rnrnr!
a saying commonly used when someone is to remind someone of putting the cream cheese in the fridge
person 1: what is that?!
person 2: donât forget to put the cream cheese in the fridge !