TLK stands for Tender Love and Kisses. A new concept. TLC stands for Tender Love and Care. An old concept that has been around for centuries. The world now needs TLK, not TLC. TLK takes TLC to the NEXT level, and makes it a physical concept, instead of a virtual or mental concept. Just as we Kiss everyone when we greet them, especially in countries like Europe and the Middle-East, where they Kiss 3 times on greeting. The Kiss is a PHYSICAL crossing of boundaries, that BONDS you to the person that you just Kissed. TLK. IMAGINE, if you have TLK with someone, are you going to go to war and hurt that someone? Most likely, no. However, f you have a vague concept of invoking TLC with that someone, it won´t have the same effect on you, and it will be easy to go to war and hurt that person.
TLK makes it humane, makes it real, makes it physical, makes it in our reality. We need to change the concept of this world environment to TLK, so everyone is Tender Love and KISSES. This will go a long long way to making humans put down their weapons of harm and war, and just hold each other, and give each other Tender Love, and Kisses. Muah!
I used to go by TLC as a guideline to how to conduct myself, and then realized that TLK makes a lot more sense. Thanks (a) Karen!