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1) Terrible children's program that is not only responsible for retarding brain development at an early age but also for opening the doors to other talentless hacks trying to latch onto a mealticket by exploiting children.

2) Too easy. Like turning off a lightswitch. The opposite of trying to get playschool cancelled.

not to be confused with playskool.


Playschool is responsible for the western mindset. Without playschool, Nader would have won office. Nader never watched playschool.

John's a 38 year old college graduate. He still uses his fingers to count thanks to playschool.


"Woah, how'd you convince Universal to finance a sequel to Battlefield Earth?"

"Playschool, baby"

by dtrax May 20, 2005

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


Slang for an Undercover Detective.

Used at raves or in clubs referring to poorly disguised cops (usually narcs) ineptly trying to blend in.

Possibly exclusive to The UK & Australia

"How was enchanted last weekend?"
"It sucked, there were Ds everywhere"

by dtrax May 21, 2005

61๐Ÿ‘ 65๐Ÿ‘Ž