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roof troll

The grumpy flat roofer on every crew that complains all day and wants to shut it down early because its too hot,too windy,too cold,etc.

Looks like beer clouds are moving in ,well , the roof troll will be happy at least.

by dubeswiggins November 26, 2014

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drinking the clorox

The modern term to use when someone follows a lunatic

I saw Cleatis and Bufford playing soldier of fortune down at the protest drinking the clorox with the other sheep.

by dubeswiggins April 25, 2020


Jabport (noun) The covid inoculation passport needed to have a life outside your own 4 walls.

McDonalds employee: 'If you want to dine in I will need to see you jabports" (Said in a thick surly German accent)

by dubeswiggins September 22, 2021


A person usually a man who trades accommodations for sex.

Becky hates her parents and if she can find a cumlord she is outta there.

by dubeswiggins January 11, 2015

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Viral footprint

Viral Footprint : noun term used as a meter to describe the amount viral exposure and potential spread of disease your lifestyle ,habits, and consumption creates at any given time.

Buying groceries and going out twice a month to get them and to feed yourself at home has a smaller viral footprint than getting someone to deliver your food on a daily basis so be responsible and feed yourself in this time of crisis but do not got into the store either and cough all over everything and everyone and make yourself a VIral Sasquatch either.

by dubeswiggins March 25, 2020

Okay Amber

Okay Amber (sarcastic phrase): Used as a response to being lectured by a cancel culture millennial.

Tiffany: They need a crying room at our school next to the un labelled washrooms, where is the empathy for those that need it!!!

Dave: Okay Amber

Tiffany: I think they should put a crying room in at our school next to the un labelled washrooms section, where is the empathy for those that need this!!
Dave: Okay Amber

by dubeswiggins November 25, 2021


A disease causing excessive masturbation due to boredom of being on a pandemic lockdown.

I went to visit my friend Rob to see if he was doing ok in the lockdown and was worried he might be sick when I saw the piles of tissues but he assured me he's not ill he just has pornoavirus.

by dubeswiggins March 27, 2020