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A person who believes that it can't be proven whether or not a deity exists. Really the best way to live since you don't have to deal with the arrogance that is both ends of the spectrum.

Christian (to Agnostic): Hey, do you believe in God?

Agnostic: Not exactly, since there is no actual proof that God really does exist.

Christian: You should believe in God, otherwise you will go to hell where you will burn forever.

Atheist (to Christian): Of course he's not going to hell, because hell doesn't exist just like God doesn't exist.

Christian: Of course God exists, you stupid Atheist! You'll burn in hell for saying he doesn't exist!

Atheist: No, he doesn't exist. Open your eyes, you ignorant brainwashed Christian sheep.

Christian: Shut up you liberal dumbass Atheist faggot!

Agnostic: I really wish I wasn't on this planet right now.

by dumbperson132 September 20, 2013

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