Source Code

Red Shite

Liverpool Football Club and their supporters who, as is well documented, like to fuck their mothers.

give me a stanley knife mate- in fact, make it two, we're playing the Red Shite on saturday

by duncan April 4, 2004

273πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


I don't think warned people against marraige, he himself was a married Catholic.

People who say he was racist are just wrong. He wanted to create a mythology for England, 'cos they didn't really have one of their own ( check the facts, King Aurthur is a Welsh legend before the English nick him, Tolkien would have been well aware of this). As such, It would have been fairly hard to create a black/Asian charachter to fit an ancient/ near medievel english myth.

Anyway, back to definition, he was a writer who created the second highest selling book ever ( the first being the Bible), and a very good book it is too, the only people who say it's boring, are the ones who never read past the bit with Tom Bombadil.

Tolkien was an author

by duncan January 14, 2004

175πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

not even

you are disputing a statement

He said he was from Wanganui and I was like "not even!"

by duncan October 11, 2003

309πŸ‘ 78πŸ‘Ž

rainbow kiss

Indeed, the term refers to performing cunilingus on a menstruating female, often followed by orally swapping semen and blood/other secretions. NOTHING to do with homosexuals.

by duncan March 13, 2003

3370πŸ‘ 1634πŸ‘Ž


Liverpudlian slang for a homosexual

You wouldn't catch me at Garlands, mate, that's where the quegs go.

by duncan April 4, 2004

292πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

six by six

A huge burger from In-n-Out (a western US chain) comprised of 6 patties of meat and 6 slices of cheese. See "double double" and "four by four".

"Welcome to In-n-Out, may I take your order?"
"I'll have a six by six and a vanilla shake."
"That'll be $7.50, fattie"

by duncan June 8, 2004

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

biscuit belly

The phenomenon when a girl with a bit of pudge on her stomach wears tight pants but a top that shows her midriff, causing her belly fat to spill over the edge of her pants. Much like the way that biscuit dough oozes out of the container. Also known as muffin belly. See biscuit hips.

She's got a bit of a biscuit belly, I'd hit it after 3 beers.

by duncan September 8, 2004

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž