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Courtlynn is a very trusting person but has trust issues because she doesn’t think people are as trustworthy as her she is a very beautiful young girl with big plans for her future

Courtlynn is a bhaddie

by ebitch May 27, 2019

12👍 3👎


A beautiful girl who people say have a bad attitude but really she has a personality they can’t handle she makes best friends out of both genders she is very loyal and trust People to much

Courtlynn is really naive

by ebitch May 27, 2019


A girl that is OBESSED with TikTok and has trust issues

Dxddy.courtlynn has no friends but 1387 fans that make up for that

by ebitch May 26, 2019


a seggsy mf on tiktok who’s vvv seggsy and and funny and did i mention they’re seggsy 😩

daralicious420 is seggsy

by ebitch May 5, 2021