1. The next step in evolution. Part of the familia Homo Animorphae. Definited by a naturally arousing lack of definition - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, personally, philosophically, grammatically, metaphysically, acrostically, pneumonically, or, quite possibly.
2. A large blue or white butterfly, of the familia Morphidae.
Morpho: My favourite colour used to be blue, then pink, but I actually, I really love black, silver, fuchsia, burgundy, twilight, and other colours like that. Wait, nvm, blue is actually my favorite. Jk! Idk... whateva'. What's yours?
Person: I like red.
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A fear of the evil alien from Scientology.
Scientologist: Xenu is coming. He will destroy you. You must remove the souls from your body so he can't eat you!
Person: Wow, that's a new one. Xenophobic much?
Scientologist: Xenophobia??? Are you a... noof?
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