Source Code


1. Yes
2. Also a mistyping of hahaha, although the first one is the most commonly used and msot understoof version, and the version when people say it thats what they mean.

P1: Will you hook up with Rudiger at the next party?
P2: hahah
P1: Cool!

by eddy1 May 15, 2005

54👍 94👎


Something Tom and Eddy are most defently not.

Tom and Eddy are NOT batboys.

by eddy1 May 2, 2005

2👍 30👎


People who use this word meaning Great Man, but really people who use it for themselves are in fact Gay Man.

Cameron thinks he a GM, but really he is a gay man.
Eddy is the greatest man ever.

by eddy1 May 3, 2005

3👍 17👎

Fucking Tops

Something that is actualy shit, but when "Fucken Tops" is said, it is said sarcasticly.

Oh yeh Slipknot! Theyre fucking tops!
Our english class is fucking tops!

by eddy1 May 2, 2005

5👍 4👎