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Valencian Community

It's a region on the Spanish East Coast. It's highly known because of it's great beaches and tourist sights. It's got it's own laguage apart from Spanish which is Valencian. Catalans claim that Valencian is a dialect of Catalan, but most Valencians are anoyed about this because historically it's never been the same although it's got many things in common. The most tipical Valencian dish is Paella and the most tipical drink is Ortxata. People here tend to be quite fun and cheerful. As opposed to other regions in Spain which also have other laguages, people in Valencia tend to be very proud of their local land and also of their country. Fallas is the most important and famous "Fiestas" or in Valencian "Festes". These celebrations consist in burning large statues made throughout the year, these are burnt on the 19th of March on Saint Joseph's Day. From the 1st to the 19th of March people throw fireworks and attend firework displays like the Mascletà in the regional capital of Valencia. The city of Valencia is the third biggest city in Spain after Madrid and Barcelona.

Where's Valencia
In the Valencian Community

What can you do there?
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Can you tell me in Valencian?
Si clar, el dia 19 de Març es pot vore l'última "Mascletà" de l'any i a més a més també es pot veure la "Cremà" que és de la nit del 19 al 20 de Març, fi del dia de Sant Josep.

by eddy97mix June 3, 2015

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