A word to describe someone that is very ugly but still very fuckable to gay men.
A word to describe someone that is very ugly but still very fuckable to gay men.
A word to describe a mentally handicapped jewish person but still really hot
"God how i would want to fuck that guy. I have the biggest dick for it. Unfortuantely he is a supers"
A word to describe a shitty application made by someone who is very fuckable gay man that everyone wants to put their dick in.
"God, this is an avis. I'm so horny too"
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A word to describe someone that is very gay and that would suck the dick of anyone near him. It also describes someone in an online forum that will ban and mute anyone that doesn't like gay people
"OMG you're such a nibsin! i wanna fuck you."
A word to describe someone who did absolutely nothing wrong in a situation and someone that is very very fuckable.
"God he is so hot, all the hunks with nice dicks want to fuck vev! including me!"
A word for someone that eats chips but is very fuckable
"he's a chipeater10, i want to put my dick up his ass"