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Super Smash Bros. Melee - A manipulation of the engine used to move a distance in a short amount of time to continue combos or grab ledge.

You can preform it by jumping (best when short hopping) and then a downward diagonal (so in either direction) air-dodge quickly.

Marvel Vs Capcom Series- A move used to get up close to your enemy fast and safer than running at them. You can also attack when crouching, which can be helpful.

Preform a dash, quickly cancel the dash by pressing down, and then you can dash again. Before you dash, inputting an attack works.

Tekken- Moves that need to be transitioned from a crouch dash that only works for some characters. It is great for mind games.

It can be done by inputting these commands repeatedly: forward, neutral, down, tap down then forward.

Player 1: Do you know how to wavedash?
Player 2: No. Why would I want to do that? It seems useless.

Player 1: I'll show you! (wins the match)
Player 2: You are just exploiting glitches!
Player 2: And you just got rekt bitch.

by ehnkr2beboh March 16, 2019