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A word to descride an extremly immature person, generally younger than yourself.
A person acting like a peen is said to have peenish behaviour.

Oh my god, look at that peen!!! No theres like 30 of them!!

by el January 2, 2004

4πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Someone who's a tool

You're such a bloody spanner

by el January 7, 2005

295πŸ‘ 110πŸ‘Ž


sweet little dudes from Warcraft 2.

Bombs Are Great!

by el April 8, 2004

10πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Non-descript thing. Can be substituted for any object. Slang.

"I don't give a flying gobshite!"
"I'll bet you ten gobshites..."
"Suck my gobshite"

by el April 1, 2005

8πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


A somewhat new-ish (yet very common) stereotype that developed in the London/Kent/Essex/Hertfordshire area in England, and is now spreading to many other area's of the country.

- All prettyboy clothes are expensive, and are usually from shops such as Topman and River Island.
- Tight, girly-coloured (pink, yellow, etc) t-shirts that are of no readily identifiable brand and usually have some kind of scrawled pattern or design on the front. No more than 2 layers of clothing can be worn at any time, even in the winter.
- Tight, plain, expensive jeans.
- Trainers, usually white and in girly colours.
- Gelled (but more commonly waxed now a days) hair, sometimes with highlights. Grown quite long.
- Socialise only with other prettyboys/girls.
- Never participate in violence, but love gossiping when fights do erupt, and talking about "what they would have done" in an effort to show masculinity to their girl friends.
- Wear moderate amounts of jewellary.
- Do not go out much. Spend as little time on the streets as possible, as they realise they are a vulnerable target for muggings and random violence.
- Prettyboys are usually friendly, but can come across as irritating, and cocky.
- Prettyboys are usually very wealthy, but can come from a range of social backgrounds. Some prettyboys are ex-rudeboys who see the rudeboy culture as immature.
- Most are popular with girls, as prettyboys dress specifically to appeal to women.
- Follow a strict social strucutre religously. They think they "have a place" in their school/college, and know who they can "talk down to" and who to "suck up to."
- Most will claim they listen to a mix of R&B, hiphop and rock, but really just listen to whatever is in the charts at the moment.

Personally I find prettyboys the scum of the earth, due to their narrow-minded lifestyle and a life amibition to go out with the "buffest" girl in their school.

They like to argue that all groups "follow" each other.
This is not true, and is a weak defense.
Some prettyboys actively admit they wear what the most popular people are wearing. Correct, rudeboys, grungers, etc DO have a sense of style that they stick to, but it is nowhere near as single-minded as the prettboy style.
Don't pretend you don't understand what I just said either... its obvious and you know it!

normal man : "we started on some prettyboys at a house party last night. they shit themselves"

person 1 : "what's your friend like?"
person 2 : "he's a prettyboy"
person 1 : "what a loser"

rudeboy : "*kiss teeth* see dem prettyboys over dere blud..set me da shank init, mans gona jack dem up standard"

by el June 18, 2006

95πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž


Someone who spends their time searching medical websites for diseases they convince themselves they actually have

Similiar to a hyperchondriac

'Then i went on this website and found out that i actually have diabetes AND chronic fatigue!'
'Dude...you're a cyberchondriac'

by el January 7, 2005

7537πŸ‘ 866πŸ‘Ž

Team Possum Productions

The greatest film production company ever; a company that produces great films.

Team Possum Productions make good films.

by el December 17, 2003

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž