A term used to describe a girl whom you feel is the person to spend the rest of your life with. However, most men go through their entire lives not being able to meet that special girl.
"I wonder when I will finally meet Ms. Right..."
79π 8π
Another slang term for Toronto (as opposed to T-dot).
Toronto = T.O. = T-Dot-o-Dot.
See? It pronounces all four characters in T.O.
40π 20π
A term used to describe a woman that a man settled for.
The man ends up settling for just about any girl willing to be with him out of fear that he might end up dying alone. It means that the man was unable to attain the "gold medal" (the girl of his dreams) and ends up settling for any girl that is willing to be with him.
Jerk #1: Dude, why did you ask that girl out? Man she was uuug-ly!
Jerk #2: Michelle just broke up with me so I figured I'd settle for Lois. She's my Silver Medal.
32π 8π
To kick one's ass using the ancient martial art of Karate.
Some guy arguing with another guy at a dojo: "I know we learn Karate so we need never use it, but I'm gonna have to Karatesize your face for hitting on my biatch, sucka!"
29π 10π
Data that has been deliberately misrepresented or completely fabricated in order to support and otherwise unsupportable partisan position.
Dan's report on the impact of the housing development on the wetlands was so filled with coulterisms that we were not surprised to discover he was on the developer's payroll.
53π 23π
The act of taking a jizz on a woman's ass while she's still wearing her pants. The result of the man's unwillingness to wait for sex with his old lady creates a white stain on the woman's pants that is extremely difficult to get rid of.
Jerk #1 - "Yo brotha, there's a white stain on the back of your girlfriend's pants."
Jerk #2 - "I know. Last night I was so anxious to have sex with her, but I ended up giving her a cum bum instead."
Jerk #1 - "Word."
89π 45π
The great Greek goddess of pussy. Most often placed on a pedestal by men who feel that pussy is something that is very hard to attain.
"You know what your problem is? You're making the pussy out to be some sort of Greek goddess named Pussalia and you're putting it on a pedestal."
301π 142π