Source Code

Sophie Dowling

Sophie dowling is a taylor swift fan. STAN TAYLOR TO HELL WITH DULA STAN TAYLOR TO HELL WITH DULA.

Sophie dowling is a tswizzle fan

by elsie thompson November 25, 2021

Alice Endley

Alice endley is an english librarian who loves her books and facts more than her parents. She is usually recognised as the neek of the group and enjoys spending her time gaining information and hiding out in the library. If you are ever wondering where alice is you will easily spot her in the library with her ginger hair and her WHSmith pencil case, if not she will be eating lunch with her teachers. Alice thinks she is original but everything about her is unoriginal. She also thinks she has a big ass and can get rugby boys but the only boys she is getting are the ones that smell like marmite. If she isn’t revising or at WHSmith and you get to spend time with her, make sure you plan to meet during the early morning as she has a strict bedtime of 7:30. Her talents vary from tripping over nothing to...urm... well that’s about it. she loves attention, books, and tik tok which she has managed to gain a whopping 50 followers on after announcing her dreams of becoming tik tok famous.

have you seen alice endley?

-yeah she is in the library eating lunch with the teachers.

by elsie thompson June 1, 2020

evie cann

Evie cann is a top geezer and is the comedian of the group. Her humour is intellectual and plain genius. Her music playlist is fab and way better than anyone else’s especially Alice’s. She is so chill and her energy is so positive and if people don’t what to be friends with her they want to BE her. She isn’t judgemental until it comes to poppy and her weird actions which are questionable so i don’t blame her. Evie is the best player on our football team and more people need to realise that😐. Evie IS original and her personality is incredible unlike other people and is the smartest most sensible person of the group. However, she is a ninja in disguise and isn’t afraid to pull a sneaky prank. She sometimes uses her sweet side to cover up the fact that she can be a bitch and is often rude to people but no one would believe that. She is neither a neek or a set 8 which makes her the perfect person so be around. If you are seen with Evie cann feel special because that’s pretty sick. Evie is no ordinary girl as she has outstanding skills in being a ball girl. both hairy and bouncy. Evie cann is an incredible famous athlete and often gets stopped to sign her signature for people.

-Do you know who Evie Cann is?
-Of course! She’s so funny and everyone knows her.

by elsie thompson June 2, 2020