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Noun. In the United States, summer is used to reduce American high school shootings and increase illegal drug usage and partying. High school students would see this as education refuge due to the fact that summer is mainly the universal choice for education break and because school is the governments pathetic excuse to keep the kids away from parents who should be working and paying unreasonable amounts of taxes, bearing in mind that there are still people who graduate that are dumbshits, or in worst cases are most unfortunately stupider than before. Summer is also the reason why Canada sucks and Africa rules, seeing that the Northern part of the Americas is usually inherits a colder climate.
Pronoun. A girl's name
Meteorology. Summer usually has the longest sunny days of the year. In certain parts of the world (like Finland) there are times when the sun doesn’t set entirely. Summer quite literally, is the point in time of year (depending on where you are in the world) that the climate is warmest. A season of the year that is defined as beginning in June, and ending in September in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, summer begins in December and ends in March.

It's summer time, NO SCHOOL!! LETS PARTY!!!

by enzarto May 10, 2007

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