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Abbreviation of S'witty, which is a further abbreviation of "so witty."

Term coined by myself and Ayla to describe how witty we are.

Also the name of our website, switty.net

Person 1: Your mom.

Person 2: Dude, that was so not switty.

by eric March 29, 2005

9πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The act of drinking a shitload of alcholic beverages to the point of no longer being able to stand.


The act of getting the fuck shot out of you by Gangsters.

Damn dude we were so wasted last night!


Holy Shit! They just wasted carl!

by eric January 7, 2005

271πŸ‘ 149πŸ‘Ž


When a person, or group of people think that they rock or rule. This is particularly annoying when they neither rock, rule or any other 4-letter word beginning with an "R" indicating they are cool.

The world said to the Armstrongs and Benedettos, "youguysarefuckingfullofyourselves" in a harmonious choir.

by eric November 20, 2003

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


International Auxiliary Language. General term for invented languages designed for use as international "common languages" to be used by people who don't speak the same language (Esperanto being the most famous, and one of the most pathetic, examples).

IAL's are fantastical unrealistic pipe dreams.

by eric February 5, 2003

7πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Soup Man

person in a bukakke video that supplies the jism for the girl. A professional ejaculator.

Dan picked up extra money in college by shooting his wad into a bowl as a soup man for a bukakke video.

by eric November 28, 2003

7πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


A small man, usually british, that employs trickery

I dropped my nickers on the floor and he pulled a trewavas

by eric September 22, 2003

black panthers

A racial terrorist orginization whose co-founder eldridge cleaver advocated the rape of white women and murder of white police officers and whose other co-founder huey newton died of a heroin over dose in 1989

former Black panther mumia abdul jamal murderd A police officer in the city of brotherly love in 1981

by eric March 30, 2005

623πŸ‘ 500πŸ‘Ž