Source Code


1. a misspelling of "plum"
2. a fat-guy
3. to plom = insulting someone

I've been plomming him for hours, but still he's a plom

by erik December 14, 2003

10πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Fred Astaire

v. To tap ones toe while sitting in a public toilet stall to inform potential users that the stall is occupied.

A guy walked into the bathroom so I had to start doing a Fred Astaire.

by erik November 12, 2003

67πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

knocked the fuck out

One who gets knocked the fuck out. This is commonly happening to a person in Gainesville, FL USA called Joe Mullett.

Joe Mullett really got knocked the fuck out at the party. The guy hit him and he lost 3 teeth and broke his nose!!!11


by erik August 8, 2004

45πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


In a group of three or more walking abreast of each other, to squeeze together and force one person to walk behind.

With a narrowing sidewalk up ahead leaving only room for two, one of you must either walk on the grass or befleft Bob.

by erik October 13, 2003

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


1. Using the internet to break up with a significant other.

2. Disconnecting online in an unsuspecting manner.

1. I didn't want to break up with my girlfriend in person, so I e-bailed on her.

2. Hey! a/s/l????? *User has signed off.

by erik December 17, 2003

8πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž


Point of Sale.
Used at Stores to refer to something that happens at the cash register.

Please offer the Customer Something at POS

by erik February 21, 2005

150πŸ‘ 109πŸ‘Ž

Bucking Bronco

Similar to other definitions, the bucking bronco is when you are fucking your girl doggy style, you then make a smart comment(ex. "I have AIDS" or "Your sister was better" and see how long you can stay on for.

You are banging a random chick you met that night, doggy style. While it's all goin on you whisper in her ear,"I have AIDS," then let the ride begin and see how long you can stay on that bucking bronco for.

by erik June 18, 2006

33πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž