NSgy stands for Neutral Spiritual Energy, or the Primordial Energy of Creation, which we refer to as God. Neutral is like Truth in that it does not exist on the physical dimension.
The Energy of the Soul is NSgy, which means it is invisible to the brain and physical senses.
PsychEducation combines two separate fields of study: Psychology and Education. The original Greek word "Psychology", uses the prefix "psyche", which is defined as "Self, Soul and Mind", which are all "Esoteric" terms. Or, terms referring to the Esoteric non-physical dimensions of Man.
Education, by contrast, is usually thought of as a field of study utilizing ones brain and thinking.
The term PsychEducation therefore refers to a study that combines both the intellectual and Esoteric non-physical aspects of Man. That is, the use of ones Intuition.
Modern Mental Health looks to the behavior of a person, and tends to blame such behavior on motivational factors outside the person. The reality is... ones "reaction" is "colored by" subtle factors within that person's Esoteric MIND.
By using "PsychEducation", those in modern mental health can be taught to "look within" Man for the answers to "why" people do certain things. PsychEducation is another way of suggesting Esochology.
PsychEducation is a study of the Whole Human Being.
Or Empathetic Understanding, is the ability to intuit the emotional experiencing of another because one has, at one point or another, experienced the same thing oneself.
Sympathy is thinking about someone, but empathy is actually "Knowing" the emotion the person is experiencing, or going through.... having gone though the same emotion oneself.
When I see a fat child, being made fun of, I "know" how he or she is feeling, because I felt the exact same emotion when I was young - my "knowing" is empathy.
When I see a parent pulling a little child who's legs are exhausted, and the child is crying with pain, I "know" what that child is experiencing. I experience empathy for that child.
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Eso (Esoteric) plus (chology = Greek for study), Esochology is the study of the Esoteric dimensions of Man from within those Esoteric dimensions themselves via intuition and DEC Direct Esoteric Communication. Understood by either those who have completed a course of psychotherapy or natural psychics.
Esochology is a new alternative to the oxymoron "behavioral psychology".
When one receives an Ah-Ha via ones intuition, or a bit of Knowledge comes to one, one has just experienced DEC, and has tapped ones own store of Knowledge via ones faculty of intuition, and this is applied Esochology. Esochology is based on a well-developed faculty of intuition which is perfectly normal, but we in the West are taught to both deny and fear our intuition.
Esochology is the study and practice of the Esoteric dimensions of the Whole Human Being. Esoteric means limited to a small group of individuals, it also refers to use of one's faculty of Intuition.
Esochology is most useful in helping a person discover the unknown reason he or she keeps doing something he or she does not want to do.
When one suddenly awakens from within oneself to a new bit of truth...that one somehow knows is true.
I was listening to what the teacher was saying when, I suddenly awakened to a bit of Truth, like an "innerflash"... that made a new connection for me... and I suddenly knew some things I did not know I knew!
Incarnated is the result of incarnation, which refers to Reincarnation, which refers to the mystical phenomenon whereby a Soul leaves the Astral region of Creation, and entering the physical plane, takes up residence within a fetus within a woman the result of the union of sperm and an egg, which had previously been given "life" by the Soul destined for that life form.
The Soul that incarnated into that person was destined to do great things. It was his Fate Karma to do such things.
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