CDKA&EU is a symbol that stands for Conscience, Discretion, Knowledge, Acceptance and Empathetic Understanding. These are thought to be the Virtues we Souls are accumulating by completing Karma over many, many lifetimes.
CDKA&EU, when fully acquired, would represent "wisdom". The possession of CDKA&EU is akin to Enlightenment and thought to be possessed by Saints and mystics. This is quite different than possessing intelligence, or being smart.
A person possessing substantial CDKA&EU would be kind, honest, forgiving, and abstain from negativity.
Possession of substantial CDKA&EU would cause a person to be withdrawn "from the world" in that such a person would tend to be quiet, aloof, and dedicated to meditation and Spirituality.
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An Esogist is someone who studies the Esoteric dimensions of Man, and of Life. It designates a specific study of that which is largely limited to psychics, or clairvoyant individuals like Edgar Cayce. Or the specialized area of Psychology that deals with the Esoteric invisible dimensions of the Whole Human Being: Self, Soul, and Mind.
The well-known psychotherapist was successful largely because he was an Esogist.
The term "intuition" refers to an Esoteric process which involves ones "Spiritual faculty of intuition" and stored Knowledge. Intuition is a faculty of ones "Apapsyche" (Operational Energy of ones Soul). In order to intuit Knowledge, ones "Attn Aspect" of Apapsyche must be in ones Apapsyche and not in ones brain. The process of intuition is a normal, natural and not well developed faculty of most Westerners because this process is Esoteric in nature. That is, takes place other than in ones brain and thinking.
An example of intuition would be one is "daydreaming" and suddenly one receives a bit of Knowledge that allows one to perceive some aspect of the world in a different and more correct way. But as soon as one attempts to "think" about ones intuition, the intuition seems to dissolve.
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