When a semi driver slams on the breaks to stop and the trailer shakes and bounces up and down. Usually due to inattentive truck drivers.
person 1- OMG! I thought that semi was gonna ass-end us.
person 2- Yeah it was having on hell of a Semi-trailer Seizure.
A scientific measurement of the strength of the smell of period blood (PB), present in the room. The range is 0-5
0- None present
1- Very small, usually undetected
2- Small, but detectable
3- Starting to stink up the room
4- May cause gagging, pretty damn strong
5- Induces vomiting and possible post traumatic stress.
Person 1- "SON OF A BITCH!! Do you smell that?"
Person 2- "Yeah man, there is a PB Rating of 3 up in here. Man, I still have nightmares of the 5 I encountered."