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French way of saying "dick rider".

French: person 1: J'aime pas Ronaldo. person 2: ferme ta gueule il est mieux que toi. person 1: frère c'est mon avis arrête d'être un suceur.
English: person 1: I don't like Ronaldo. person 2: shut the fuck up he's better than you. person 1: bro it's my opinion stop being a dickrider.

by eymenthug February 19, 2024


Originated from a german video called "bart ist dick" which meant "bart is fat", it used to be a meaningless phrase where you would say it randomly until, its meaning was changed when people thought it was a turkish word for "son of a bitch" and turned into a slang.

Look man, this guy is a bartisdik, he did bad things.

by eymenthug June 13, 2024