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Donald Trump

vulgar slang
noun: trump; plural noun: trumps

an act of defecating.

a contemptible or worthless person.

something worthless; garbage; nonsense.
unpleasant experiences or treatment.

personal belongings; stuff.

any psychoactive drug, especially marijuana.

verb: Trump; 3rd person present: Trumps; past tense: Trumped; past participle: Trumped; past tense: Trump; past participle: Trump; past tense: Tramp; past participle: Tramp; gerund or present participle: Trumping

expel feces from the body.
soil one's clothes as a result of expelling feces accidentally.
be very frightened.

tease or try to deceive (someone).
"I Trump you not"
exclamation: Trump

an exclamation of disgust, anger, or annoyance.

Eww! Did you step in dog Donald Trump in the park?

by factoryteamgair February 13, 2016

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