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wizard of oz

a nutcase who rules a magical land from behind a curtain, despite being only 1.9 foot tall. often seen fighting with Toto. well known for being a roght miserable git. and also owner of a hot air balloon.

Wizard: "Toto give me back that sausage!"
Toto: *runs off with sausage*
Wizard: "you little bastard!!"

by failure33object April 18, 2005

71πŸ‘ 111πŸ‘Ž


short for uber-Jackolas. a demonic resurrection of Saint Jackolas after he has died. uber-Jacko has uber-Jesus Juice which contains the extra ingredient of peppermint and a dash of pure oxygen. more of a danger to the youth population than measles and meningitis combined.

"capable of winning any checkers game, no matter how many opponents" - Rob McLean, uber-Jacko victim

by failure33object April 26, 2005

4πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


(1) a term to describe an act of complete twattery, normally carried out by a buffoon.
(2) plural of buffet.

(1) "did you hear of Dan Newton's latest act of buffoonery?"
(2) "what a nice buffoonery! where are the sausages on sticks, eh?"

by failure33object April 26, 2005

39πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

scrooge mcduck

evil twin of Donald Duck and uncle to 3 other ducks named huey, duey and louie. made the stovepipe hat cool. i believe Slash, of Guns n' Roses/ Velvet Revolver, stole the idea of wearing a stovepipe hat from Scrooge McD.

Slash: "hey Axl, i'm gonna wear a stovepipe hat from now on..."
Axl Rose: "Wow man, awesome!! why?"
Slash: "cos i wanna be like Scrooge McDuck and Marc Bolan!"

by failure33object April 24, 2005

25πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


(1)to be completely surprised by something unexpected. sounds like it originated in the 60's.
(2)probably also used by 'hip' street 'dudes' to describe blueprints.
(3)can be used in checkers to prepare an opponent for a major wipeout.

(1)"wait 'til Moe see's how hammered i got without him! he's gonna plotz!"
- H J Simpson
(2)"hey hip dude, check these plotz for my new house, dog." - hip street dude
(3)"when you see this wipeout you're gonna plotz!" - checkers player #1

by failure33object April 24, 2005

11πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

fuck right off

a term commonly used by irate checkers legends when MSN fails to open checkers or oftentimes even start. also, if i met bill "i'm a paedo" gates this is the phrase i'd shout in his face.

Jim "game of checkers my good man?"
Rob "yes why the devil not!"
MSN "sorry we are crap... try again later."
Rob and Jim in unison: "FUCK RIGHT OFF MSN!!"

by failure33object April 25, 2005

37πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž

that old chesnut

a phrase which generally refers to a cliche or an over-used excuse. to be used in disgust. often a pre-cursor to serious arguments in games such as checkers... like when a player tries to pull the "classic" half-pincer movement.

"well....you know there is trouble a brewing when that saying comes out" - Rob McLean

by failure33object April 22, 2005

19πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž