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Think it's cool to add innit or some form of swear word into eaqch sentence at least 3 times, if they have the i.q. to even string a sentence together. Female townies will scrape their hair back so tightly when teh sun reflects off the layers of gel it looks like they're bald and have a ponytail/bun slap bang ontop of their heads tied with a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugely expensive 10p hair bunch from 'tha f***in markeet innit'. Both male and female townies think they look 'f***in mingin' innit' if they're not dripping in fake gold jewlery, consisting of at least 3 gold rings on each hand and at least 3 necklaces. Male townies tend to wear burberry hats balancing dangerously on their heads which threaten to fall off any minute if the wind blows and in fact, if they move therefor making it impossible to 'bash yer f***in head in mate innit'. All townies have blatant disrespect for any kinda of class concerning designer labels and get cheap knock off's at the previously mentioned 'markeet' that they think look genuine even though they got it for a fiver. Townies are general scum of the earth!

townie girl 1: Oi, didjajustgivemamateanevil? (rough translation: did you just give my friend an evil glare?)
alarmed regular person: no
townie girl 1: yeahuf***indid, if***insawya. (rough translation: yes you did, i saw you)
townie girl 2: iwudbashyouaf***inheadinbutiaintfinishedmyfaganidntwannaurtmababby. (rough translation : i would beat you up if i actually had the balls and wasn't so sh*t scared that you would fight back and actually pummel my into the ground, now carry on as normal and i shall poretend to beat you up in another 9 months when i have had my baby and have my new boyfriend/bodyguard with me at all times. Good day)
alarmed regualr person speedily walks off and alerts the police, catch those filthy scumbags!

by fairybelle24 August 18, 2004

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