Source Code

good areas

Good Areas can be used to describe a outcome that has occurred or to encourage an individual. Can be used in relation to sport, or everyday socialising.

person 1: "Mate i had the best night on Sunday, got on the cans with the boys, got loose, piled in to this bird, then went to the strippers.'
person 2: "good areas!"

or in the context of sport: (in cricket - after a formiddable ball has been bowled from the bowler, encouraging the bowler)
person 1: "good areas shane"

by fame August 4, 2006

40👍 2👎

Jango Fett

A very small, weird, disoriented individual. Normally these people live in a hut made of straw and use alter egos to communicate and entertain themselves throughout the day. Star Wars characters are most frequnetly used as a source for inspiration, however celebrities and rock stars have known to be used.

Jango Fett:'Ha ha that is so funny, i can't believe the size of it.'

Han Solo:'Boba Fett, Boba Fett...where?'

Boba Fett:'Well thats just to bad, looks like i'll have to man up.'

Yoda:'hmmmmm...small it is, man up you will have to.'

Carson Kressley:'Well i think it looks darn fine, ohhh weeee.'

by fame August 31, 2006

7👍 33👎


Weapon - A highly professional Cricket team located on the north shore of Sydney. Fear is distilled within the opposition weeks prior to the match. The team is thus full of weapons.

Person 1: "Hey Tim, who are we playing in two weeks?"

Person 2: "ummm...The Weapons I Think?"

Person 1: "Shit, they are going to destroy us!"

by fame August 3, 2006

17👍 26👎