Source Code

Forbidden Porter

When a friendly MALE proceeds to forcfully stimulate your prostate with an OPEN alcoholic beverage bottle.

"OH DEAR GOD! i got FP'd soo hard last night that my insides are shaped like a bottle of lucky lager".

"check it out, stan just bottled my colon"

"my prostate smells a little bit like hops!!!"

"the forbidden porter is the rugby of mallardville"

by faroosh December 22, 2007

13👍 3👎


A very funny person, who absolutely loves to have fun. They can look a lot like young Will Smith.

Yo is the Will Smith?
No, That's just Inutsiaq having fun!

by faroosh April 27, 2022


A great friend who usually gets his arm beat when he works as a security man at daddy's.
He has a need to be right at all times, even when facts are against him. Dumb looking but very smart.
He is very sporty.

Friend: 2+2 is four.
Inunnguaq: No.

by faroosh September 12, 2022