This is when u jerk off to the sound of the cheeto crumbs rubbing against your belly
Hey Sam did u cheetowaterpoop today. Of course Wendy i like cheetowaterpooping
actually fortnite isnt from the sisters grade 1000
theymanyfart actual grandpa said no farting
wendywilliambumfartandpoopfartgayHomosapien LOmao wendy fartewd
1👍 1👎
domyearsfart? no actually ears no fart they hear and poppin da smokleing gciig
This is when u poop fart in your salad and eat it.
Hey Mike did u finish or salad. No actually Scott I fartingpoopeatingsaladed it
When imposter date crewmate and imposter poop on crewmate
Hey wanna go on an amoguspoopdate.