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Present participle of quoff, which is itself an alternate spelling of quofe (also quof or quoaf).

noun: Penile flatulence (air or gas escaping from the penis through the urethra), a.k.a. a dick fart.

verb: To emit penile flatulence.

ETYMOLOGY: "Quofe" is the male form of queef.

NOTE: Quofes are a rare phenomenon compared to queefs because it is much harder for air to become stuck in a man's urethra than in a woman's comparatively larger vagina. Quofes occur most frequently after a catheter has been inserted into the penis and removed, leaving air trapped in the bladder or urethra.

After Reginald's catheter was removed, he tried to take a piss, but ended up quoffing and splattering urine everywhere.

by fauxbourdon December 5, 2005

33πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


(noun): Semen (cum/jizz/splooge/etc.).

Origin: hybrid of "ambrosia" (the mythical food of the Greek gods) and "blow" (to perform oral sex; to ejaculate).

Odysseus thrust his phallus into Penelope's mouth up to the hilt and filled her with his sweet Ithacan amblowsia.

by fauxbourdon December 8, 2005

38πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


(noun): the emotion one feels when another person hooks up with one's girlfriend, or when another person hooks up with a woman one desires for oneself.

See also: vajealous, adj.

When Frank heard that Brenda had been sleeping around behind his back, he felt an intense pang of vajealousy.

by fauxbourdon December 8, 2005

45πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


noun. A slang term for a woman's vagina; alternate spelling of jaj. Abbreviated form of vajaj. Rhymes with "badge."

Fucking Darla's loose-ass jadge was like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.

by fauxbourdon December 3, 2005

49πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


Present participle of heef.

"heef," noun: penile flatulence, i.e., air emitted from the penis through the urethra.

"heef," verb: to emit penile flatulence.

Synomyms: quofe, cockqueef, dick fart.

Etymology: "he" (male pronoun) + queef.

After Reginald's catheter was removed, he tried to take a piss, but ended up heefing at the same time, thereby splattering urine all over the bathroom.

by fauxbourdon December 5, 2005

33πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


verb. Alternate spelling of queeve (to expel air from the vagina).

Belinda threw her legs up in the air, clenched her teeth, and quieved thunderously.

by fauxbourdon December 3, 2005

76πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


The present participle of quoaf, which is itself an alternate spelling of quofe.

noun: Penile flatulence (air or gas escaping from the penis through the urethra), a.k.a. a dick fart.

verb: To emit penile flatulence.

ETYMOLOGY: "Quofe" is the male form of queef.

NOTE: Quofes are a rare phenomenon compared to queefs because it is much harder for air to become stuck in a man's urethra than in a woman's comparatively larger vagina. Quofes occur most frequently after a catheter has been inserted into the penis and removed, leaving air trapped in the bladder or urethra.

After Reginald's catheter was removed, he tried to take a piss, but ended up quoafing and splattering urine everywhere.

by fauxbourdon December 5, 2005

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž