noun. Fecal matter excreted through the vagina. This is generally caused by the presence of a recto-vaginal fistula (a small tear in the tissue separating the rectum from the vaginal canal).
synonym: cooch turd.
With no restroom in sight, Brenda clenched her ass shut tightly, but much to her chagrin, her turd passed through her fistula and plopped out her coochie as queefshit.
67π 12π
noun: Penile flatulence (air or gas escaping from the penis through the urethra), a.k.a. a dick fart.
verb: To emit penile flatulence.
ETYMOLOGY: "Quofe" is the male form of queef.
NOTE: Quofes are a rare phenomenon compared to queefs because it is much harder for air to become stuck in a man's urethra than in a woman's comparatively larger vagina. Quofes occur most frequently after a catheter has been inserted into the penis and removed, leaving air trapped in the bladder or urethra.
After Reginald's catheter was removed, whenever he tried to piss, he would quofe and splatter urine everywhere.
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Alternate spelling of quofe.
noun: Penile flatulence (air or gas escaping from the penis through the urethra), a.k.a. a dick fart.
verb: To emit penile flatulence.
ETYMOLOGY: "Quofe" is the male form of queef.
NOTE: Quofes are a rare phenomenon compared to queefs because it is much harder for air to become stuck in a man's urethra than in a woman's comparatively larger vagina. Quofes occur most frequently after a catheter has been inserted into the penis and removed, leaving air trapped in the bladder or urethra.
After Reginald's catheter was removed, whenever he tried to take a piss, he would quoaf and splatter urine everywhere.
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(adj.): Having an exceedingly wet vagina.
see also: vajuice, n.
Carly was so vajuicy that I almost drowned going down on her.
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(noun): Vaginal secretions or moisture.
see also: vajuicy, adj.
Carly was so horny you could see her vajuice soaking through her panties.
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(verb): to ejaculate (cum/come/jizz/nut/etc.) a second (or third, or fourth...) time in one sexual encounter.
I hooked up with a multi-orgasmic guy last night: he came in my vadge, then rejaculated on my tits!
42π 49π
noun. An emission of air or gas from a woman's vagina occuring while the woman has a yeast infection, so that the smell is more rank than usual.
verb. To emit air or gas from the vagina during a yeast infection.
Etymology: contraction of "yeast queef."
Bertha went to the bathroom to reapply her Monistat 7, but when she spread her legs, she let a nasty, thunderous yeef.
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