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A sport where you fall on your butt a lot off a big red wall. If you can get over this wall then you are classified as one of the 'cool list' or 'a list fencers.'

This is a REAL SPORT, no matter what people says.
Pirates like Johnny Depp CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow
You have to do conditioning...
Ex. suicides, candlesticks jump highs, sit ups, push ups, lunges..
You have to have muscles...
You have to be fast...fast reflexes
and be weird and/or foreign.

And tall.

like a GIANT!

Also, you cannot slack off or you'll get hit by a wrench.

F-Freaks Future ballet dancers
E-Extreme Excersize
N-Nifty Knickers
C-Cool Socks
I-Ignoring Newbies
N-No Normal People Allowed
G-Good Reflexes

Guy 1- Hey, my parents are making me join fencing!
Girl 1- That's awesome! You get those cool socks!
Guy 1- Yeah but i have to move to England!
Girl 1- HARDCORE! I'm going there for my honeymoon!

by fencingfencingfreaks January 19, 2008

18👍 57👎