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beating a dead horse

an act of sexual perversion combining bestiality, necrophilia and sado-mashocism.

A government study was funded to study various sexual perversions: sado-masochism, necrophilia and bestiality. The study was soon halted however ... the researchers decided they were just beating a dead horse.

by figleaf23 October 8, 2007

162πŸ‘ 241πŸ‘Ž

'roid monster

Short for steriod monster. Someone whose overuse of steroids renders them notably different from the human norm in some respect(s). Typical characteristics include: huge gnarled muscles, bad temper, irritability, leathery skin, grotesqueness of features, puffy, constipated, pain when urinating.

The 'roid monster snarled at all who approached as he stood wimpering at the urinal.

by figleaf23 August 12, 2007

27πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


1. A type of omelette made with Mexican flavorings

2. Being permitted to view or touch a woman's breasts without having to pay -- i.e. free tatas.

Mmmmm everyone looooves frittatas!

by figleaf23 January 15, 2009

99πŸ‘ 276πŸ‘Ž

shakey shakey

a completely non-violent erotic art performed by placing a wet palm or fingers firmly on the clitoral area and giggling the hand as quickly as possible.

Dude, when I gave Karen the shakey shakey last night she was more than willing to swallow my man meat.

by figleaf23 August 5, 2007

41πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž


a ludicrous, overwrought, badly written, lamely acted television show about a bunch of stupid irrelevant teens and their screwed-up implausible lives.

Degrassi was ripped off from an equally bad show in the '80s called Degrassi Street.

by figleaf23 December 5, 2007

209πŸ‘ 184πŸ‘Ž


to have a urination go really bad for whatever reason. Includes spraying urine everywhere because you tried to piss with a chubby, or having your urine shoot out at one or more 90degree angles due to being gum shut, or any other bad thing happening when you're taking a piss.

Combines 'piss' and 'disaster'.

Dude1: What the fuck happened in the bathroom?
Dude2: It was dark and the lid was down -- a classic recipe for pissaster.
Dude1: Well fuck, clean it up!

by figleaf23 August 5, 2007

52πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


a special state of inebriation in which privileged members of society can go unbothered by the authorities

Police Officer: Do you realize you were going 100 in a 50 zone?

Rich Drunk: Sorry, officer, but I'm BOMBED!

Police Officer: Oh, okay sir. Drive carefully.

by figleaf23 January 14, 2009

68πŸ‘ 55πŸ‘Ž