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A name given to really fat black women, usually approaching 300 lbs (~135 KG) because once they begin getting really massive they all begin to look alike. Their facial features get scrunched, their bellies are the first thing to enter a room and their butts the last thing to leave it.

Bobeeshas are typically very lazy, too, but this is partly understandable - if you had an extra 175 pounds strapped to you, you wouldn't want to move much more than you had to. But never get between a Bobeesha and her food or you will be sorry. Bobeeshas are also usually very irritable, have a bad attitude and love to play the blame game. Because of their difficulty in attracting mates, if they have kids, they will usually all be from different sperm donors.

I desperately needed some painkillers after my surgery, but I had a big ol' Bobeesha for a nurse who wouldn't get or do anything for me. Whenever I asked for painkillers, food, water or whatever, Bobeesha would try to convince me I didn't really need or want them (e.g., "What do you want a drink fo'? It's just gonna make you pee and you don't want to have to walk around with all those bandages, now do you?"). If I persisted, she would then ask with obvious irritation some other nurse to get these things. Eventually, they got angry and complained that she wasn't doing her job, but then she suddenly found the energy to beat them down with a racism stick.

by figurinoutlife November 3, 2006

86πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž

nappy headed ho

An absolutely horrible, despicable, racist thing to call an individual. Unless, of course, you're black and then it's simply harmless slang for a woman with oily, unkempt hair.

Don Imus will be perpetually referred to as the guy who uttered a "racial slur" against the Rutgers women's bball team when he called them "nappy headed ho"s. Puzzlingly enough, none of the words in this phrase have anything to do with race. But, hey, since when did minor details like that get in the way of the media's campaign to constantly aggravate racial tensions in the name of selling news?

by figurinoutlife December 19, 2007

366πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž

vocabulary hijacking

Choosing a word because it evokes a specific emotion rather than because it is accurate.

After 9/11 the word "terrorism" became a much more emotional term for Americans than before, when it was equally deplorable yet much more theoretical in most people's minds (i.e. something that happens elsewhere). Consequently, politically active people engaged in vocabulary hijacking by applying the term "terrorist" to their opponent's activities (e.g. environmental "terrorists", government-sponsored "terrorists", anti-choice "terrorists").

by figurinoutlife February 10, 2006

51πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

social justice

A euphemism for an economic mugging by political force

Teacher's union rep: "We will not stand for any cuts in our benefits or salaries. Even if we make six figures with guaranteed employment regardless of performance. Even if the state is on the verge of bankruptcy. Why? Because this is about social justice"

by figurinoutlife August 14, 2011

752πŸ‘ 1296πŸ‘Ž


1) Tolerance (active): The idea that one should attempt to overcome a belief, prejudice or hatred that they hold.
2) Tolerance (passive): The process by which one gradually become less and less bothered by another belief, prejudice or hatred due to continued exposure.
3) Tolerance (liberal): What the majority should have towards minorities, but not vice versa

1) "Bigots" lack tolerance or appreciation of our people, which makes them despicable
2) Bigots would have more tolerance if they just hung around more of our people
3) Those damn, horrible hateful bigots should all be shot dead by us tolerant, peace-loving non-bigots... um, as a service to society, of course.

by figurinoutlife September 22, 2005

215πŸ‘ 97πŸ‘Ž


Awfully Corrupt Officials for Registring Negroes (ACORN) is yet another corrupt political group hiding under the guise of helping the poor and advancing civil rights.

ACORN might do at least a little good despite their repeated offenses at advising people on how to effectively commit tax fraud and defrauding people to believe they are simply registering voters when they are really aiming to register democratic voters. But isn't it *truly* a mark of shame for the democrats when they benefit so extremely disproportionately from an effort at registering the nation's most uneducated, uninterested and ignorant people to vote? What will they do in the next tight election, court the violent pedophile vote?

by figurinoutlife September 11, 2009

219πŸ‘ 325πŸ‘Ž

Stimulus Package

A bill passed in 2009 with the underlying premise that we can borrow money, spend it, and it will make us all richer by "stimulating" the economy such that we can pay it all back and more.

The bill's official name is the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)", which was a forced compromise between the Democrats who wanted to call it the "You Have to Print Money to Make Money Act" and the Republicans who wanted to call it the "Screw our Children with Massive Debt Act"

Reporter: "President Obama, with unemployment continuing to rise, how do you know that this Stimulus Package is even working?"
Obama: "Because without it, job loss would have been far worse and the economy even more depressed."
Reporter: "Wait, how could you possibly know that?"
Obama: "I have a team of people with impressive credentials that told me so after I told them I didn't like their first answer and to give me another answer or be fired"
Reporter: "But, if we can really 'stimulate' our economy by borrowing future earnings and spending it now, wouldn't it just make sense to do this constantly so that our economy is always 'stimulated' and we all become filthy rich?"
Obama: "I like this reporter - Rahm, add him to my cabinet"
Rahm Emanuel: "Uh, sir, I think he's being sarcastic..."

by figurinoutlife June 29, 2009

74πŸ‘ 88πŸ‘Ž