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Strongly emphasizing the "whiteness" or European (Anglo) characteristics of something, usually villains in movies.

Movies are replete with white villains, but sometimes producers hyperanglicize them by placing strong emphasis on characteristics strongly associated with canonical white culture. For example, British accents in villains are abundant even when the movie takes place in the US. Actors who play villains may already have anglo features such blue eyes or blond hair, but producers want to be sure these features do not go unnoticed and so are hyperanglicized by making them extra-blue (e.g., the colonel in Avatar) or extra-blonde (e.g., Gary Busey in Lethal Weapon).

by figurinoutlife October 26, 2010

12πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

racism stick

A tactical accusation designed to attack another person by claiming their actions are racist or racially motivated. The attack can be offensive, defensive or purely diversional.

Offensive: Deshon wants a promotion and raise this year and he's ready to whack his white manager with a racism stick if he doesn't get it.

Defensive: Rushanda got busted stealing a computer from her work after several had already dissapeared. She would have lost her job if she hadn't beaten her boss with a racism stick by claiming that she was just "borrowing" it and the only reason he thought she was stealing it was because she's black - that a white person could have "borrowed" it without getting any flak.

Diversional: Kanye was asked by a reporter why he thought Bush didn't care about black people when the New Orleans evacuation plan clearly specified the city and its black mayor were responsible for the evacuation and first response. Fortunately, the reporter was white and Kanye had his racism stick ready. Whack! "You think if this was Provo, Utah that old GW wouldn't be down here personally in a heart-beat with the entire American Army?" Whack! "What kind of fool do you take us for?" Whack! "Calling these poor victims 'looters' for taking jewelry when you know damn well that they've lost everything?" Whack! Whack! Reporter (dazed): "Um, please, let's just talk about your upcoming record now..."

by figurinoutlife October 20, 2005

158πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž


A strategy to silence political opponents by attempting to destroy their economic prosperity. POLTER is an acronym for "Political Offense Leads To Economic Revenge".

POLTER is a strategy often used by Highly Offendable Groups (HOGS) when facts do not favor their most cherished beliefs. Historically, fear and intimidation have been just as successful, if not more, than logic and debate in silencing opponents, not to mention quicker and more expedient (for example, the ignorant are rarely swayed by logic, but fear is universal).

A former president of Harvard once suggested that genetics might be responsible for the disparity between men and women in the highest positions of math and science. It was merely a suggestion, but unfortunately one that was heretical to feminist groups. Subsequently, they decided to POLTER him, spearheading a campaign to get him fired and stigmatized by the media so that his next employment opportunity would be at least less prestigious and profitable than the current one.

by figurinoutlife October 19, 2007

107πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž

English only

A law that requires materials and services funded using taxpayer dollars to be provided in English. Laws such as these have only been passed in areas where the vast majority of people speak English, and have for centuries.

Liberals view this as radical and racist because it supports the needs of one group over another. Liberals, as always, are free to fund it by themselves if they feel so strongly about it. But then that goes against the central tenet of these left-leaners: "We just come up with the moral compass, we shouldn't have to pay for it."

Juanita has been living illegally in Texas for 10 years and wants to send her kids to public schools. Unfortunately, they're English only and she doesn't want to learn English or teach them English at home, so she and her friends demand the schools hire translators to teach their kids in Spanish. This, of course, neglects the Chinese, etc. Soon, our country will be a place where everyone can learn but noone can understand each other.

by figurinoutlife December 8, 2006

50πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Noun. A coveted status sought after by liberals. Victimhood implies that one or more victims are due some form of compensation from one or more offenders. The sought-after compensation is typically economic such as money, jobs, promotions, awards or opportunities such as college admissions. Intangible compensation is often a secondary consideration and usually not directly related to the offense in question, such as the displacement of blame for general achievement failures.

"You can't repeal affirmative action! What about all those blacks that suffered under slavery?!?"

by figurinoutlife March 20, 2004

188πŸ‘ 82πŸ‘Ž


(Cultural) Originally, diversity of ideas and viewpoints were recognized as important to many different endeavors such as learning and decision-making - the idea being that the over time the best ideas and/or viewpoints would win out in fair competition. Unfortunately, once this concept was generally embraced as a good thing, it was subsequently perverted and has become a euphemism for quota preferences given to politically favored minority groups in such areas as hiring, promotion, granting of federal contracts and admission into educational systems.

Genuine diversity would imply that someone from Greenland or New Zealand would be a welcome addition to increase the diversity of a university culture. Instead, administrators believe their university somehow becomes more diverse by adding one more black from down the road, increasing black % enrollment from 7.23% to 7.24%. Odd how administrators never seem to notice that blacks don't really contribute to diversity anyway since blacks usually restrict their company to that of other blacks in the student union, classroom, fraternity, university clubs, etc.

by figurinoutlife September 22, 2005

324πŸ‘ 123πŸ‘Ž

omorosa factor

A slang term for the degree of risk white employers take when hiring black employees. It was coined in honor of a black female contestant on a reality show called "The Apprentice" who had very little value as an employee and an infamous ability to irritate all those around her. She wore her race and gender on her sleeve, using them to bait or bash other contestants on the show. When "fired" from the show, she immediately accused the cast members of calling her a "nigger" and of racial antagonism during the show. She received a lot of media attention, as those who play the race card usually do, and despite her lack of credibility (e.g. she *forgot* who it was that called her a "nigger", whether or not anyone else was around, when it happened, and why the cameras didn't catch it), she was invited back to the show. Thus demonstrating that there is a penalty for those called a racist, but not for those who call others a racist and are proven to be liars.

Companies fear hiring people like Omorosa. People who sell themselves very strongly, display up-front confidence and have a suitable resume, yet in the end offer no value to the company as an employee, create an environment of conflict and hatred among other employees, and is a walking time bomb waiting to scream "racism" or "sexism" the moment something doesn't go their way (e.g. denied a raise, promotion, or is fired).

The Omorosa factor is a value that ranges from zero (no risk) to one (the employee is actually Omorosa herself). It is used to multiply another value called the O-cost, which is typically a fixed percentage of the company's value. This is amount that will normally be sued for. Multiplying the two gives a company an idea of how much risk they are taking on by hiring the employee.

Subordinate: "Sir, management wants to increase diversity in our department. Perhaps we should give extra weight to minority applicants."
Manager: "Agreed. We can kill two birds with one stone by hiring a black woman, that way we get gender and race at the same time. Do we have any that are handicapped or veterans as well? That would be the best!"
Subordinate: "No, sir, just this one black woman is on the list: Jawanda. She seems fairly qualified."
Manager: "Invite her in."
Jawanda: "I am a strong, black woman from the Bronx and I will kick ass in this white male-dominated field."
Manager: "Sorry, your Omorosa factor is too high. Next..."

by figurinoutlife September 22, 2005

173πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž