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Highly Offendable Groups. Political groups centered around a common trait or cause that are extremely emotional about it, to the point that they will attempt to exact revenge by any means necessary (by POLTER, for example) on whomever or whatever dares to challenge any of their core beliefs.

Modern HOGs are ones centered upon race, sex, and sexual orientation. Religious zealots in the Western world used to be HOGs, but have been offended by so many people so frequently that they have gotten tired and gave it up.

by figurinoutlife October 19, 2007

121πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


The soul of wit

Brevity is gold, for life is short and my attention span shorter.

by figurinoutlife September 23, 2005

59πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Google Punting

A strategy used to conceal ignorance in a debate when unable to answer a question by deferring to a Google search as "proof" that a good answer exists.

Google Punting is an intellectually lazy way out of an argument. In essence, it is an admission of defeat by saying "I don't know, and I'm unable to put together an intelligent argument, but someone else probably could. Plus, this is great because I'm forcing you to do all the work, while implying that you're the lazy one (not me) because you couldn't look it up yourself. And, if you're stupid enough to do it, it's even better because if you find something that disproves my point I can counter with 'hey, I didn't say that', or 'you're just cherry-picking' *and* send you back searching for the 'real' answer".

by figurinoutlife September 30, 2012

5πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Blackmail refers to a situation that arises when a person threatens another person with some form of punishment if they do not offer some form of concessions. Blackmail is usually the result of one person somehow obtaining embarassing information about another and threatening to disclose it unless some form of payment (money or favors) is offered. The term originates from the words "black" and "mail", which referred to the dark or threatening nature of the letters (mail) that were received detailing the threat. Although blackmail usually entails paying a price to obtain another person's silence about an embarassing situation, it need not involve an actual event before it can be conducted. The threat of embarassing someone for a contrived event can be enough to conduct blackmail effectively, provided the threat is believable.

Jesse Jackson's Rainbow/PUSH Coalition frequently tells companies that if they do not donate to their cause and hire their members, they will accuse them of racism and organize commerce-damaging protests. Whether any racism exists or not, the threat of income loss and negative publicity is enough to extract blackmail money.

by figurinoutlife March 24, 2004

854πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž


White people who deign to speak for non-whites. Also, men who deign to speak for women.

The coach almost lost his job after naively thinking he was offering a compliment by saying that he thought black football players ran really fast. Oddly, his comments weren't denounced by blacks but by liberal whites, showing that despite the fact they believe blacks don't get enough respect in the modern world, they also believe that blacks aren't competent enough to voice their own opinions on such important issues and so must do it for them.

by figurinoutlife October 27, 2005

119πŸ‘ 396πŸ‘Ž


Comparing someone or something to Hitler during a political debate in an obvious attempt at villification of the opposing argument, position or person. It is essentially a way of the Hitlerizer declaring they wish to cease intelligent discussion and begin name-calling.

Since nobody over the age of 5 takes you seriously when you call someone else a "poopy head", and Hitler is widely accepted as the embodiment of pure evil, adults can sometimes be found Hitlerizing their opponent's argument because, deep down, they feel their opponent is a poopy head and need some other way of expressing that to avoid being laughed at.

In the Healthcare debate, for example, both supporters and opponents have begun Hitlerizing the other side.

by figurinoutlife August 7, 2009

147πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

black hole

Apparently in the black community, this is a racist term because it has the word "black" in it without any words of praise surrounding it. Because of its political incorrectness, please note that it has now been renamed an African American Quantum Singularity.

John Wiley Price, the Mayor of Dallas and a black judge recently were offended and demanded an apology (no, I'm not making this up) for a white councilman referring to the traffic office as a "black hole" where paperwork is sent and never seen again. "How would you like it if I called it a 'white hole'?" Mr. Wiley-Price immediately retorted. Next on the list: Blackjack, Blackberry and Blackbird.

by figurinoutlife August 10, 2008

100πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž