Source Code

roll call

this is what happens at the first start of the school day. the teacher will get a piece of paper (or just use their memory if they are a smart teacher) that has the names of the kids in the class on it. she (or he) will read out the names on the list to see who is present, and who is absent.

often the class clown will make a silly answer to make the class laugh at the pure hilarity.

"Ok, let's just get the roll call out of the way and we can get stuck into our work!"
*collective groan*
"Is Leah here?"
"Present, miss."
"Is Dean here?"
*collective lol*
"Oh, you kids, you really crack me up, I swear, this is why I got into teaching."
*collective lack of interest*

by fine_dine_decca August 2, 2009

92๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


abbreviation for a ham sandwich, in times when you don't have time to say the full expression.

nickname for scott's fat gf.

'i could eat a hamsam right about now now'
' dude, thats scotts girl!'
' no you fuckwit, i meant a ham sandwich. i would never eat out that fatty-boomba.'
'oh, sorry, i totally misunderstood coz hamsam has 2 meanings.'

by fine_dine_decca August 1, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


potplant; also known as the cannabis plant. the phrase 'potplant' derives from the fact that parts of the plant are used to make 'pot', and the plant refers to the fact it is a plant.

'Nanna, would you like me to water this --- what is it?'
'Next to the petunias? Its just an ordinary potplant, dear.'

by fine_dine_decca August 11, 2009

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž