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the most perfect girl alive. She’s beautiful inside and out. She makes me feel alive and happy. Ive never felt this comfortable with someone. She makes my heart skip a beat and gives me butterflies. The feeling is weird because i’ve never fell that hard for someone. Even if the feeling isn’t shared. I couldn’t care less. I love her. I love her with all my heart. I’d give her the moon if i could. She deserves so much more than what I can give her. But i’ll still try my best to make her happy, because she deserves to be happy. She’s the reason why i enjoy my day. The reason i smile in science class. Because I daydream about her, all day. Every second. She makes me not wanna give up. She’s the reason I try my best and actually appreciate myself a bit more. If only i could hug her, and just never let her go. If only i could just, look at her in the eyes. I can’t. The distance. It’s something, yeah. But it doesn’t mean anything for me. I love her so much and I see a future with her. Like bro i just wanna wife her right now ahajsj.. Like bro, i know im still young and naive, but this PERSONNNN. Ong, she has me. She has my all. Not only my heart. My ALL. She’s everything i’ve ever wanted. She’s so perfect. I wish she could see herself how i see her. I love her to much, and i dont care. I loved her, i love her, i’ll love her. <33

nevaeh is finlee’s :))

by finleeorwhateva March 23, 2021

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