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A cultural skeuomorph with a maximalized intersection of modes.

A functional technology-of-modes.

A mode is a maximalized recurrence of events.

In frequentism, an event is comprised entirely of modes.

A meme is the maximal-recurrence of modes in a cultural context.

by flightfacilities November 18, 2021


French-transclusion refers to the quadrant of ideas which make up French social science.

They are: 1. What is the smallest unit in the universe. 2. How many units or units of measurement are there in the universe? 3. What is the smallest UNIT of measurement in the universe? These three ideas, comprising scientific realism, are joined by a fourth idea from science-religion (French social science) called transclusionism.

In transclusionism, additive-inclusion is the question. Whether 8 contains 7 whether future thoughts contain prior thoughts and how each moment remembers the past moment. Ie. There are no apparent SEAMS between the moments.

French-transclusion comes under three other terms: object-infrastructure (form-structure) unity; French existentialism; and social science.

It is considered to be the building block of object-infrastructure unity.

French-transclusion contains transclusionISM; but is itself not transclusion.

by flightfacilities May 8, 2022


Phenomenon where a mother takes sexual pleasure from a daughter's attraction to a suitor the mother herself approves of.

Sexual pleasure the mother takes from imagining herself as the daughter.

In hypergamy: the mother forgoes personal pleasure for vicarious sexual pleasure by allowing her daughter to procure an eligible mate.

by flightfacilities November 22, 2021

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Riemann hypothesis

The Riemann hypothesis indicates that the two circles that comprise time in omnism (supersymmetric and metaformalist) are distinct in that the metaformalist-circle is uncountability spinning around itself whereas the super-symmetric circle is infinity merely spinning.

Furthermore the zeta functions exist at even real numbers and complex numbers with real part 1/2; which are in 1-to-1 correspondence with the perimeters of pseudorandom surfaces (which have a discrete surface area and irrational perimeters).

The upshot of this is that there are infinity^infinity zeroes ('Windows of Krishna' in Krishnism) and one "1."

The Riemann Zeta Function tells us about the distribution of prime numbers.

Specifically it tells that the perimeter of a pseudo-rational surface has 1-to-1 relationship with the surface area of a complex ellipse (which is also called a "complex" number).

A complex number is the surface area of the elliptical surface between a transfinite number and its most adjacent transfinite number with the base of the ellipse (draw-distance from the center of one transfinite number to the next transfinite number) equivalent to the surface area of the starting transfinite number and the arc-length of the ellipse equivalent to the irrational perimeter of the transfinite surface.

The Riemann hypothesis thus tells how thoughts and ideas become one-and the same by showing that the irrational perimeters of transfinite surfaces (a special instance of pseudo-rational surfaces) are equal in value to the elliptical surface area that separates two adjacent transfinite surfaces.

Thus: in elliptical-time the pseudorational surfaces BECOME the transfinite draw-distances.

by flightfacilities December 23, 2021


A quantum culture movement which proffers that resolving global warming is reducible to replacing petroleum-plastics with safflower-plastics.

Quantum culture is based on super-rationalist draw-distances between uncountable-values of cryptocurrency and infinite category-classes of capitalism.

Soilpunk, specifically, propounds a replacement of plastic made by petroleum to plastic made by the safflower plant.

by flightfacilities November 10, 2021


A philosopher who tried to solve the question of, if a tree falls in the forest; and no one hears it did, it make a sound?

More broadly Wittgenstein answered the question: Did language come from outside of pan-contiguity (the universe) or inside of pan-contiguity...

Wittgenstein viewed language as a human ritual; and ritual as subject to game theory.

He introduced the concept of the external participant in contrast to physics' external observer. Thus, each participant becomes a part of embedded-language-in-the universe.

by flightfacilities May 13, 2022


A paradigm asserting that the immune system distributes the ego according to a Keyenesian fashion.

Explains why folks with autoimmune disease often develop egoism.

Meta-keynesianism explains why people who suffer from autoimmune disease have largely-inflated egos and abruptly dislike people.

It is a precursor to hypersexual egoism in sufferers of auto-immune disease.

by flightfacilities November 29, 2021