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FLINT- now is the city with the highest violent crime rate in the country, with the highest number of murders in 2010, where the city is currently being investigated by the feds for wrongful use of grants, where the schools cant teach a gold fish to swim, and where the rivers are more horrid than three mile island, after the melt down, the hookers are plentiful in numbers and std's, the cash flow is so low drug dealers trade drugs instead of buying and selling, the most commonly seen t shirt is " flint, our crack whores cant beat your crack whores" every car has a flint bumper sticker that says " flint" with a gun for the L

what a place to call home,

damn that crack whore is beating that other crack whore up

i live in the hood, flint

damn it smells, we must be in flint

wow that fish has three eyes, and 2 legs, it must be from the flint river

by flint native May 28, 2011

93👍 34👎