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Donald Trump

Some rich shit who is a massive ego maniac a slight racist although he claims he's not a man who claims to love his country when he treats the people on it like crap with a hot girl friend and a stupid hair cut and soon to be killed by a drug lord he claimed to be able to kick the shit out of but now cowers from

Donald Trump is a dumbass

by floppytaco August 15, 2015

604👍 2792👎

3$ Honolulu Wonder Cooler

When sperm and blood come out of that sorry thing you call a penis

I'm so lonely I jerked off so much that I blew a 3$ Honolulu Wonder Cooler all over the place

by floppytaco January 25, 2015

16👍 9👎


So dead piece of shot who used to poss of americans

American #1-Did you hear they killed Osama
American #2-good

by floppytaco January 17, 2016

1👍 6👎