The best pair of emojis in existence.
Usually used to indicate a combination of extreme laughter and confusion.
@DumbFuckingConservative: meaningless word salad
@ReasonablePerson: bro what??? ðð
3👍 1👎
Perhaps the most hostile and hateful place on the internet outside of /pol/ on 4chan.
If you are anything but a straight, white, cisgender, conservative, Christian, able-bodied, able-minded, financially well-off, and conventionally attractive male with "normal" interests and hobbies, you will be met with such severe disrespect and hostility that you may as well be Martin Luther King waltzing unannounced into a KKK lynching.
"The Instagram Reel was literally just some drone footage of Chicago's skyline, but every single comment was something racist. What even provoked that?"
"That's Instagram Comments for you."