Source Code

Spicy Fridge

is an oven

bro 1: yo, where’s the pizza, my g?
bro 2: i put it in the spicy fridge, my g.

by fpsarktik November 12, 2019


A Disney twat.

Guy 1: "What do you think is better - Frozen or Lion King?
Guy 2: "Frozen obviously..."
Guy 1: "Nah, shut up you bambiclaat."

credits to ilybiageslyb :)

by fpsarktik November 18, 2019

4👍 1👎


When you finally find those B E A N S you left in your jeans pocket that got put into the washing machine.

"OH! That's where they went...beanpog"

by fpsarktik November 18, 2019