(1) What happens to victims of false rape. The resulting professional, social and psychological damage both short and long term. (2) What feminists (radical egalitarian) do to the reputation of a marriageable male if he lingers in the "friend-zone" after the initial rejection. (3) What feminists (radical egalitarian) at the office eventually do to the reputation of a marriageable male if he is engaging and friendly -- regardless that he keeps the discussion on work. Defective / non-marriageable males are much less likely to be socially raped because they are easily dismissed and thus less threatening.
Wanetta Gibson - to Brian Banks (Falcons ball player)
Crystal Mangum - to 6 Duke-LaCrosse college players
LeAnne Black - to 5 victims in Britain in 2013
USA federal Title IX from OCR - on college campuses, preponderance of evidence (50.1%) is the new standard for disciplinary action in sexual misconduct complaints rather than clear and convincing level as of 2011. But there is no means to measure exactly what is 50.1% and the accused cannot question / confront the accuser before action is taken. So a catch-22 disfavoring males and opens the door for increasing social rape, but higher education goes along with it because they can't say no to the bounty of Title IX federal dollars.
5👍 6👎