One of the amazing deities of the Joulism Religion.
Typically, she is prayed to if you are wanting to pass important examinations such as your GCSEs.
Her most famous quote is "Ploem", which became important for prayer - came to be after misspelling Phloem.
Unfortunately, her whereabouts are currently unknown, which has saddened everyone.
Person 1: Have you prayed to Helena Royle?
Person 2: No, I haven't. Let's pray to her together
Person 1 & 2: Ploem, Ploem, Ploem...
The heaven of religion Joulism.
Named after the best letter in the German Alphabet (the letter Y)
Oopsilon is reached after completing all steps in Bibble and passing away.
Frau Joules is known to be having a great time up there.
I'm nearly on my way to Oopsilon!
I only have a few more steps left in the Bibble.
I can't wait to see Frau Joules!
God, Supreme Being of religion Joulism.
Can be found wondering around Planet Earth in one of her reincarnated forms, or in the heaven, known as Oopsilon
Are you going to pray to Frau Joules today?
Susis is an interesting woman.
First introduced to us by Frau Joules and she told us her entire daily schedule for some reason
Mocked because susis is *sus* amogus
she hasn't been seen by anyone since, maybe she vented?!
P1: Do you know what Susis does when she first wakes up?
P2: Yes! `Sie zieht sich an`
P1: Ah of course, thank you! I'm going to track her down.
Created by the deity Helena Royle after misspelling Phloem, the vascular tissue in plants.
Ploem has since been turned into a quote in the Joulism Religion. and using it to pray could grant you with knowledge in order to pass your GCSEs.
Time to pray!
Ploem, Ploem, Ploem.
The official holy book of Joulism
It contains all 14 steps on how to reach Oopsilon.
It technically is the 2nd version of the Bibble, as the 1st one was created before Joulism was coined.
All steps in the book must be followed in order to reach Oopsilon, or one could risk going to Zett!
P1: I'm nearly done with all of my steps too Oopsilon! What step on you on in the Bibble?
P2: I'm on Step 8, I need to find Sybil Birling
P1: Ah nice, I'm on Step 12, I need to express my love for `Kunst` and cough on someone!