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Swedish goverment

Now, 2007(hope they won't 4 much longer),sweden is ruled by the Moderates (yes, they r crazy people who dont pay their taxes n think that they can manage to rule dis country) who r trying to lower our taxes (so that all the ministers wont get blamed 4 not paying em) and with that also lower our living standards. After only a year in the goverment they have managed 2 make us pay 4 a lot of things, such as doctors and higher intrest charges. They have also lowered the subsidies (i dont really kno what its called, found that on the net, but its money u get from the goverment 4 4 example not having a job) 4 unemployment and the student grants, wich alredy were low enough!!
They have also made the rift between the classes bigger!
So, 4 y'all who voted 4 them in the elections in 2006, i hope dis wasnt what y'all wanted, cause if u did ure just mad, otherwise, i have 2 give u an advice, think before u act!!!

Elections 2006:
Dumbass wid no brain: yeah, the moderates won! they're gonna make sweden a great place!!

(but the dumbass didnt get that it alredy was a great place without todays swedish goverment, the moderates! It was better with the socialdemocrates!)

dumbass, sad: awwww....:(, wish i wasnt a dumbass last year, now i dont have money 2 buy my kid a present 4 his 8:th birthday. since i got fired i almost dont have any money 2 buy food 4 maa kid either..

by freaky gurl November 5, 2007

18👍 39👎

Vanilla Coke

Same as Oreo
it means a person being black outside n white inside.
a vanilla coke has the taste of vanilla but is black, just like the person who is called vanilla coke.

u r sucha a vanilla coke bro, listenin to My Chemical Romance and all...

by freaky gurl January 5, 2008

4👍 17👎

nc nc

u know that sound u do when somebody for ex.said something bad, and u just shake ur head and do that sound with ur mouth that sounds more like "ts ts" (saying it while breathing in) but's written like "nc nc". it's used a lot but its hard 2 describe

dumbass drunk: "I luv 2 drink booze"
wiseass: "u shouldn't drink, it's bad 4 ur health"
dumbass:"fuck u!!"
wiseass:"nc nc"

by freaky gurl October 25, 2007

78👍 32👎