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first of all how the hell can people keep saying chicago compares itself to new york..chicago is a damn city..not a person..it cant talk! and the people here do have good reason to comopare to new york. they both have terrible gang violence..and full of peoplpe on high-horses(less in da chi) and have big buildings. And never say were not educated..how arent we when most of the math books in the world come from chicago. and were the leading medical city in the country. and another thing!
1|chicago is better than ny...it just is all you have to do is talk to someonw..we wont shut u up or walk past you like those e yuppies
2|there is diversity..the only people who think we arent are outsiders
2|we arent racist...when me an my friends see white people downtown(being from the southside)we talk and both groups just wanna rep our city!
3|new york is full of wannabees while chicago produces some of the best most cultured people in the world.
before you dis chicago COME THE HELL OVER HERE!!
3|and our L system is cleaner,smarter,and more comfortable

oh...chicago i love your skyline
please help us chicago we need some of your water!-LA
well i went to robeson high in south chicago and now i nake 7 figures...QUARTERLY!-chicago

by fred s. July 1, 2006

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