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Right i've had enough of this bull shit!. If you all think that so called emo's are attention seekers and that they're lives aren't tough then i've got something to change your minds. A few months ago my frinds mum left home deciding that she didn't love my friends dad anymore and she is the only girl in the house now and so she has to bring up her brothers care for them and her father, clean their clothes and do all the work around the house and look after their many pets.And she still goes to her college and goes to work and then has to come home and do more.I am her only real friend.

Yes she did cut herself at one point and she listens to rock music because the lyrics pull her through all the shit life throws at her and she can relate to the music and if you think about it the reason why so called emo's listen to rock is because the lyrics are about things that effect the so called emo's like self harm, family trouble, and love. Instead of all that chav music which is about killing other people. A lot of teenagers have jumped on the band wagon and called themselves emo's but if you ask them the real ones never actually wanted to be called that at all they just wanted to deal with things their own way. i think you will find that the majority of these kids are having family trouble and i agree with definition numer 45, could you cut yourself just for the sake of it.i've cut myself before when i had some serious problems in my life and i know that no matter how much a person wants to be liked they couldn't put themselves through that pain (trust me cutting yourself hurts a lot) a great man once said 'i think sometimes you have to sort of die inside in order to rise up from your own ashes'

so next time you go to put the girl with the cuts on her arm down just think about my friend and what she has to go through everyday she doesn't have '2 loving parents, a comfortable and stable home enviroment or friends'.

by friend of the rekkit March 27, 2007

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