Combining vodka and Snapple® Apple Juice Drink together, and passing it off as homemade apple cider.
Not to be confused with Snapple® Cider Vinegar.
Unlike regular apple cider, you get twice the kick and half the hangover when you drink Snapple® Cider.
Brah: "Hey Man, you try that new apple cider in the cans?"
Bruh: "Nah dude, I save my money by buying Snapple® Apple Juice Drink and some Silent Prince Vodka, and just mixing them together."
Brah: "So it's basically a Snapple® Cider, then?"
When you eat spoiled mayonnaise and get food poisoning, commonly referred to as mayonnaids.
A Combination of the Words Mayonnaise and Aids. Not to be confused with mayonaids.
Symptoms and/or side effects of mayonnaids may include (but are not limited to): constant vomiting, projectile diarrhea, projectile vomiting, nausea, headache, bloating, bad gas, fever, bad breath (unrelated to vomiting), vertigo, weak muscles, fear of mayonnaise, general gastrointestinal dysfunction, shivering and/or sweating profusely, uncontrollable flatulence. In some cases, mayonnaids can be confused with the flu, and victims of mayonnaids may develop a watered-down version of the swine flu swagger.
"Dude, I had some subway last night and I think the mayo was rancid, 'cause this morning when I woke up I had a terrible case of mayonnaids; I must've puked my guts out a dozen times at least, and that was before I managed to reach the bathroom.