Source Code

fuckin oath

australian slang- fuck yes, enthusiastically YES!

1:wanna smoke?
2: fuckin oath!


1: Would you like a cigarette?
2: Why thank you, good sir.

by fucknuckle July 15, 2006

387👍 33👎


A real engine. Dosent matter if its Chev, Dodge, Holden, Ford its gonna beat the shit out of a fart-can possesing turbo four cylinder. Think about it: You do the exact equivilent modifications to a v8 powerhouse and to a 4 cylinder fart-box you will always get more horses out of the v8. Its simple maths. More cylinders= More Displacement.

I love it when i scream past a wanker in a 4 cylinder hatchback with a 10 inch tacho and 36 inch exhaust, and scare the absolute shit out of him, with my Holden ute, powered by a quality Australian V8.

by fucknuckle October 28, 2006

175👍 61👎


Infanticide, baby removalist, etc etc

I used a dingo to get rid of my baby

by fucknuckle July 15, 2006

31👍 42👎


SHELLOIL when entered into a calculator upside down. Try it, im sure you will be pleasently suprised.

i put 71077345 in my calculator. It made shelloil!

by fucknuckle July 28, 2006

28👍 11👎


Amusingly-Shaped, excellent, spiffing

that bike is grouse!

by fucknuckle July 15, 2006

35👍 39👎

Jiggery Pokery

Australian slang for apple pie

IE: get a load of this Jiggery Pokery up ya! its grouse!


Here, try this apple pie. I'm sure you will find its most delicious.

by fucknuckle July 15, 2006

21👍 28👎